Small Enterprise Institute of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals - Craftsmen & Merchants (IME GSEVEE), as a Partner of the Erasmus+ project: “National Authorities for Apprenticeships: Companies as Sustainable Partners for Apprenticeship in Greece & Cyprus”, organized successfully a Transnational Thematic Workshop in his premises in Thessaloniki on Thursday afternoon 16/02/2017.
The primary aim of this Thematic Workshop was the presentation of this project’s results and in particular the consultation about the possibilities for further exploitation of these results after the end of project life cycle (e.g. networking and transfer of knowhow and good practices to other relevant stakeholders, beyond this project’s partnership, in local/ regional / national / international level).
The event was attended by representatives and experts from Vocational Schools of Manpower Employment Organization (OAED), Educational Policy Institute (IEP), Labour Institute of General Confederation of Labour (INE GSEEE), Cyprus Commercial & Industry Chamber (CCIC), Cyprus Productivity Centre (KEPA), German Federal Institute for the Vocational Education & Training (BiBB), Regional Authority of Central Macedonia, Municipality of Thermi, Greek – Cyprus Chambers Network, Thessaloniki Federation of Craft Associations (OBSTH), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), and IME GSEVEE.
Τhe main conclusion of this Thematic Workshop is the undeniable necessity for the quality improvement of apprenticeship in Greece and Cyprus, with the effective and enhanced activation and involvement of enterprises, particularly micro, through the operation of Local and Regional Apprenticeship Partnerships. In this direction, the exploitation of this project results will be very useful and beneficial for the successful upgrade of Apprenticeship in Greece and Cyprus.