Αρχική Press Releases
Press Releases
Φίλτρο Τίτλου     Προβολή # 
# Τίτλος άρθρου
1 Transnational Multiplier Event in the premises of Cedefop
2 IME GSEVEE Survey - July 2016 – Biannual representation of economic climate in small enterprises
3 IME GSEVEE Survey - February 2016 – Biannual representation of economic climate in small enterprises
4 IME GSEVEE Survey, July 2015 – biannual portrayal of economic climate in small enterprises (0-49 employees which make up 99.6% of Greek enterprises)
5 IME GSEVEE survey – Downfall in small enterprises’ turnover due to capital controls
6 GSEVEE estimations on the new agreement
7 IME GSEVEE Survey, February 2015 - Biannual portrayal of economic climate in small enterprises (0-49 employees which make up 99,6% of Greek enterprises)
8 More than 1/3 of the population double-trapped by poverty and debt
9 IME GSEVEE survey - July 2014 – Biannual portrayal of economic climate in small enterprises (with 0-49 employees, which make up 99,6% of Greek enterprises)
10 IME GSEVEE Survey - February 2014 - Biannual portrayal of economic climate in small enterprises (with 0-49 employees, which make up 99,6% of Greek enterprises)
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